Each week, our Sunday service starts at 10am.
This service is also available via livestream.
ACT Health Update: 25th February 2022
In line with current ACT Health Restrictions, wearing of face masks and use of the Check-In CBR app are no longer mandatory while attending Vision Church.

Service Information
We will be holding one Sunday morning service, at 10am. This service will be livestreamed on Facebook and Youtube.
Doors will open 20-30 minutes before the service commencement.
Services will run for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
A children’s ministry program for primary school aged children will be offered and a creche room available for all children under school age.
We will be having communion at every service, as is our custom, however communion will be served individually packaged and collected by you as you enter the building and sign in.
We continue to encourage you to give your tithes and offerings online, however a secure box will be available for you to place your cash tithes and offering into each week.
Our Responsibilities
We will have one designated entry and one designated exit, and these will be clearly signed. For those who have mobility issues, are in a wheelchair, or for parents with prams, our designated main entrance is the only accessible entry and provision will be made for you to leave through this door.
Hand sanitiser will be available at the entry and in various locations around the building.
A limited number of single-use disposable masks will be available upon entry, or please feel free to bring your own.
Please note this is not a formal requirement.
Our volunteer usher team will be at the entrance to help direct you should you require any assistance.
Your Responsibilities
If you are unwell with cold/flu like symptoms (cough, sore throat, runny nose), are awaiting the results of a COVID test, or have been in a known COVID hotspot recently, we ask that you please stay at home and join in with church through the livestream.
Please avail yourself of the provided hand sanitiser and practice good hand hygiene.