A New, Better Covenant

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Hebrews 8:1-13; Luke 22:20; Acts 15; 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, 11:2; John 14:1-4; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 19:7-9; Ephesians 5:32 — Having explained Jesus’ superiority to the Levitical Law, the writer to the Hebrews describes His mediation of the promised ‘new’, ‘better’ covenant between God and His people. Mirroring the traditional Jewish wedding covenant, Jesus declares His faithful, profound and jealous love for us through the highest price of His blood, all that we might respond with passionate devotion to Him.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:05:37

Forget Not His Benefits

View all sermons by Hugo van Leemputten

Job 1:21; Psalm 103:1-5; Mark 16:15-18 — When we seek God’s healing touch in our lives, it can be so easy to feel like we are powerless to change our situation. But, while there is no formula to receive God’s healing, we are not to be passive. The Psalmist exhorts us to praise Him; to recall the many blessings given by the One who “forgives all [our] sins, and heals all [our] diseases”.

Hear from Hugo van Leemputten, who was miraculously healed of aggressive cancer more than 25 years ago, and now serves the Lord through Fatherheart Ministries Belgium.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:20:54

Not All Guarantees Are Made Equal

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Hebrews 7:1-28; Genesis 14:17-24; Psalm 110:4 — The writer to the Hebrews repeatedly describes Jesus as a high priest ‘after the order of Melchizedek’ - an Old Testament king established as a priest generations before the Aaronic priesthood. This link points us to Jesus’ eternal superiority to the Levitical Law - through Jesus alone we have an unfailing guarantee of complete and perfect saving grace, founded on the everlasting, indestructible promise of God.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:16:27

"Come, Follow Me"

View all sermons by Kathryn Hartley

Matthew 4:18-25, 11:28-30, 28:18-20; John 15:5; Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:17-24 (MSG) — When Jesus called His first disciples, His invitation was not that they simply follow Him as one of the crowd. His invitation was to ‘apprentice’ under Him: to be in intimate relationship with Him, to be shaped and transformed into His image, and to go and disciple others as He had done for them. Jesus extends this same invitation to us today: “Come, follow me”. What is your response?

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:11:20

The Miracle Working God

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Steve and Ros Lazar

John 2:1-11, 11:38-44, 14:12-14; Mark 10:46-56; Matthew 6:28 — Throughout Jesus’ public ministry He performed more than 30 miracles. Through them we see that He is the God who cares about the details of our lives; who restores life from death; and who calls us to put our faith and trust in Him. Will we put disillusionment and past disappointments aside, and pray to Him, the miracle-working God?

Hear from long term missionary to Mozambique, Steve Lazar.

WATCH: Hearing from the Lazars begins at 1:14:48
WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:24:24