Andrew Baker

Anchored To The Word: God’s Great Story

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Luke 24:13-32,44-49; 4:16-21 — On the road to Emmaus, Jesus came alongside His downcast disciples and ‘interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself’. In the Bible we see a single unified story which points to God’s great redemptive plan weaved throughout time. Like His disciples, may delving into His Scriptures anew cause our hearts to ‘burn within us’ as we see Jesus afresh.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:20:16

Zeal For The Lord

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

John 2:13-22, 1:14, 4:19-26; Isaiah 9:7; Luke 19:46; Acts 3:4-8 — In John’s gospel, we read of Jesus clearing the temple courts, consumed with ‘zeal’ for the Lord’s House. This righteous passion was not for the building itself, but rather for God’s people to come to Him without hindrance. May we return to that which we were created for: living with an unhindered, passionate zeal for our infinite God.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:14:46

The Harvest Is Ripe

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

John 4:3-38; Matthew 24:6-7; Hebrews 12:27 — After the Samaritan woman’s testimony of meeting Jesus, many from her town came to see if He was the Christ. At this, Jesus proclaimed to His disciples: ‘see that the fields are white for harvest’. As we ask for His eyes to see and a hunger to do His will in whatever season of life we’re in, may we too see the great desire and need for Jesus in the world around us. Stop, look up, and see that the harvest is ripe!

WATCH: Corporate prophetic words begin at: 49:52
WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:13:31

"On Earth Peace"

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Luke 2:8-16,20; Isaiah 9:6-7, 53:5; Romans 5:1 — At the birth of Christ, the heavenly host appeared proclaiming "Glory to God" and "on Earth peace". This angelic proclamation did not mark the absence of earthly strife. Rather, God's greatest gift achieved something even more significant: Jesus came in human flesh to restore peace between humankind and God. This peace is our greatest need and invitation.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:07:14