God's Great Story

Covenant Faithfulness, Gift Of Grace

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Genesis 11:1-9,28 12:1-3, 22:15-18; Matthew 24:35; Deuteronomy 32:8-9; Joshua 24:2; Galatians 3:7-9,16,28-29; John 11:49-53 — In the Abrahamic covenant we see God fulfil an incredible promise: through an aged, idol-worshipping, faithless man (and his barren wife), God established a people of His own through whom all nations would receive salvation. From Abraham to Christ, God’s covenant promises are founded upon His faithfulness and centred around His gift of grace, all to achieve redemption for a fallen and broken mankind.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:08:55

Judgement & Mercy

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Genesis 6:1-8; 2 Peter 2:4-9; Acts 17:30-31, 10:42; James 2:13, 5:11; Titus 3:5; Ephesians 2:4; Hebrews 3:7-8, 4:16; Romans 8:1; Luke 18:9-14 — As early as Noah’s Ark, human history shows that the natural result of free will is brokenness, evil, and rebellion. Across scripture we see that God is a just and righteous judge who does not let human sin go unchecked. But likewise we see that God takes mercy so seriously that He bore its price to ensure we receive it.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:13:01

The Twist In The Tale

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Genesis 3:1-22 — Out of the perfection of Eden, we see the ‘twist in the tale’ of God’s created order: the temptation of the serpent causes Adam and Eve to fall into sin. But even in the midst of human guilt, futile cover-ups, and blame-shifting, we see a God who pursues us, promising hope and providing a means for our redemption.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:10:15

The Creator's Heart Of Love

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Luke 24:25-27,45-47; Genesis 1:1,27-28, 2:7; Romans 1:20, 5:8; Ephesians 1:5-6; Psalm 19:1 — From Creation to Christ we see a God with a heart of love for mankind, like a Father tenderly holding His newborn child. And it is nothing less than this love that is the central longing and need of every human heart. We were created and predestined for loving relationship with our Creator.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:14:27

Anchored To The Word: God’s Great Story

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Luke 24:13-32,44-49; 4:16-21 — On the road to Emmaus, Jesus came alongside His downcast disciples and ‘interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself’. In the Bible we see a single unified story which points to God’s great redemptive plan weaved throughout time. Like His disciples, may delving into His Scriptures anew cause our hearts to ‘burn within us’ as we see Jesus afresh.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:20:16