The Cry For Awakening

Sustaining The Cry For Awakening

View all sermons by Adam Ritchard

Habakkuk 3:2; Psalm 27:4; Revelation 3:14-20; Romans 12:11; Matthew 3:8, 24:12; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Acts 2:37-38 — If we truly desire awakening then we must continually seek after it. In order for us to sustain this cry for awakening, we must heed the call of Jesus given to the Laodicean church: to fuel the fire of God in our hearts; to humble ourselves in repentance; and to make room for Him. May our hearts be constantly stirred to see awakening in our time and nation.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:11:45

Unity And Maturity

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Ephesians 4:1-16; John 17:22-23; Acts 2:42-47 — There are few things more effective at thwarting the work of the Spirit than disunity. It is no wonder then that the Apostle Paul, the Early Church, and Jesus himself all call us to prioritise unity with our fellow believers. As we press in to see God move, may we put aside our personal preferences to pursue the great uniting call of the Gospel.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:12:40

Fervent Prayer

View all sermons by Adam Ritchard

Luke 18:1-8; Mark 11:15-17; James 5:16b-18; Nehemiah 4:15; 1 Kings 18:1,41-45 — If awakening is the fire, then prayer is the spark. Through the parable of the persistent widow, Jesus’ listeners were encouraged to always pray and never lose heart. But they were also challenged: will Jesus find this kind of faith on the Earth? As we cry out for awakening in our day, will we persist in faith-filled prayer for God’s will to be done?

WATCH: Sermon begins at 59:03

An Unusual Hunger

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Mark 10:46-52; Luke 8:40-48 — The healing of Bartimaeus’ blindness was not remarkable compared to many of Jesus’ other miracles. But what does stand out is the desperate hunger with which he cried out for Jesus. As the rumblings of revival go on in our midst, will we be spectators or participants? Will we too cry out ‘all the more’ with an unusual hunger for God’s will, that He would move in our city and nation?

WATCH: Sermon begins at 55:42

“Come Away With Me”

View all sermons by
Matt King

Psalm 107:9; Matthew 5:3; Psalm 42:1 — When God says that revival is coming, what is our response? Do we hunger and thirst for deeper relationship with Him, crying out for Him to move? Or are we lulled into comfortable, secure, spiritually apathetic lives? God is too good to leave us where we are. His invitation today is to “Come away with me”; to go deeper with Him in the secret place, that He might work mightily throughout our city and nation.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:07:04