
From Lies To Life

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

John 10:10; John 8:31-32, 43-45 — John’s Gospel paints a picture of contrasts: In Jesus we find the truth that leads us to life, and in ‘the thief’ we find lies that lead only to destruction. As followers of Christ, we must be aware of the world’s lies that would seek to surround and deceive us; instead holding fast to Him - our Good Shepherd, whose power keeps us to eternity.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:02:54

From Trophies To Treasure

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Matthew 6:19-24; Psalm 1 — In Matthew’s Gospel account, Jesus challenges His listeners to store up ‘treasures in heaven’ rather than on earth. Living in a culture that idolises affluence, this is a real challenge for us today. But ultimately this is about much more than our bank balance or number of possessions; it’s about the heart. Will our love and desire be for the trophies of this world? Or will it be for Him - the One who calls us to a life of eternal abundance.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 1:01:19

From Anxiety To Assurance

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6 — Anxiety is far from a modern concept or diagnosis - it reaches right back to the very core of our fallen human nature in the Garden of Eden. But does this make all-consuming anxiety an inescapable fact of human existence? Jesus doesn’t think so. In His sermon on the mount, Jesus calls us to a higher way: a life of assurance; freed from worry as we learn to trust in the God of all power, provision, and peace.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 59:58

From Closed To Open-Hearted

View all sermons by Kathryn Hartley

2 Corinthians 2:4; 6:11; 7:2-3 — Opposing the city’s indulgent culture, Paul’s instruction caused many in the Corinthian church to close their hearts toward him. But as Paul’s response demonstrated, open-heartedness is not an optional extra for wholehearted followers of Christ. As we rely upon God and generously love those around us, so too shall our lives bear witness to He who first loved us.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 58:48

From Passivity to Passionate Prayer

View all sermons by Andrew Baker

Luke 18:1-8 — In a parable, Jesus tells of an unjust judge who reluctantly gave justice to a widow only due to her persistent asking. For both Jesus’ disciples and us today, the knowledge that our heavenly Father is nothing like this judge should propel us from passivity to a life of persistent, hope-filled, passionate prayer; seeking His kingdom here on earth with every breath.

WATCH: Sermon begins at 59:38